Understanding The Subsidence Caused by Trees

September 9, 2024

According to a 2021 study, almost 80% of homeowners admit to worrying about foundation damage impacting their houses. This study also discovered that about one-fourth of homeowners say they would likely sell their houses rather than repair them if they sustained damaged foundations.

Do you spend your fair share of time stressing out about the condition of your home’s foundation? If there are many trees on your property surrounding your home, you might have good reason to. You’ll have to think about doing more than just tree trimming in Lakeway, TX, and any of the surrounding areas.

Any large trees growing near your home can cause subsidence. Get a better understanding of what subsidence is below and call a top-notch tree service in Lakeway, TX, to help prevent this problem.

tree trimming austin tx

What Is Subsidence?

Subsidence occurs when a home’s foundation becomes unbalanced after the ground beneath it shifts. When subsidence takes hold of a home’s foundation, it can cause extensive damage and impact its structural stability. Cracks can develop throughout a foundation; eventually, the house that rests on top of it can sag and even sink into the ground.

Subsidence can be caused by many factors, such as too much moisture in the soil under a home’s foundation or soil moisture reduction. When the moisture level found in soil is constantly changing, it can result in soil shrinkage and subsidence.

Tree proximity to your home and excessive tree root growth can also cause subsidence. For this reason, avoid planting trees and other plants too close to your home and schedule regular tree trimming to ensure proper upkeep.

Are You at Risk of Subsidence?

Does your home’s foundation sit on top of clay soil? This alone could increase your chances of having to deal with subsidence at some point. Clay soil can shrink and shift, especially after it rains hard for several days and then stops raining for days on end.

You might also have an increased risk of subsidence if you have certain types of trees surrounding your home. Oak, poplar, and willow trees are just a few species that can cause subsidence.

How Can You Prevent Subsidence Caused by Trees?

You can’t eliminate the chances of subsidence altogether if your home was built on clay soil or if you have tons of trees growing around the perimeter of your home. However, you can reduce the risk of subsidence by scheduling routine tree trimming in Lakeway, TX, and many cities beyond.

You can also shy away from incorporating any more trees into your landscape design in the future. These simple steps should help keep your home’s foundation strong for many years.

Contact Us for Tree Trimming in Lakeway, TX, and Other Tree-Related Services

Do you worry about subsidence on your property? Wilder Tree Company can provide tree services in Lakeway, TX, such as tree trimming, that will ease any worries you might have about subsidence turning into an issue. Contact us to schedule an appointment today.

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